🎉Happy New Year from Luv Ur Skin!🎉 January 13, 2023Isabella Dymalovski Hey LUS Squad! We hope that 2023 brings you and your skin the best of health and happiness. As we look forward to the new year, it’s a great time...
Luv Ur Skin Has A Brand New Look! March 31, 2021Isabella Dymalovski Why Did We Make The Switch From Jars To Tubes? If you’ve been using Luv Ur Skin for a while, you may be used to some of our products being...
3 Reasons To Switch To Natural Skincare! December 30, 2020Izzi Dymalovski Luv Ur Skin truly believes in producing natural products that will not be harmful to young skin, which is why our products are formulated for girls, to help maintain a...
Clean, Clear, and Healthy: The Best Tween Skincare Tips November 29, 2020Izzi Dymalovski Here are a few tips to help you understand skin care for tweens and teens a little better and create a tween skin care routine just for you.
The Perfect Back to School Skincare Routine October 31, 2020Izzi Dymalovski Having beautiful skin makes you feel more confident and comfortable with your appearance. Therefore, it’s important to have a skincare routine that you follow both before and after school!
Why do we get pimples? September 08, 2019Izzi Dymalovski Whatever you like to call them, pimples can be very annoying, embarrassing and painful.
What Is Your Skin Type? August 12, 2019Izzi Dymalovski As we all know everyone is different inside and out and we all have different skin types. Knowing your skin type allows you to adjust your skincare routine to best...
7 Reasons Why Water is the Best Medicine July 29, 2019Izzi Dymalovski Water is an amazing natural resource that is one of the most important ingredients for our bodies to work.
The Best Hair Care July 01, 2019Izzi Dymalovski Hair is an important part of the human body. It protects our skin and helps keep our body keep warm when it is cold. Our hair is also a way...
The Secrets to Exfoliating June 03, 2019Izzi Dymalovski Our body is constantly producing new skin cells and shedding the old ones. Exfoliating helps remove the old skin cells allowing the fresh new skin to shine through.
Breaking Bad Habits May 06, 2019Izzi Dymalovski Do you find yourself not wanting to wash your makeup off after a long day, or even occasionally biting your nails in moments of stress? Below you can find some...
5 Daily Stretches To Add To Your Morning Routine April 08, 2019Izzi Dymalovski You must have seen many movies where the actor wakes up and suddenly pulls into a stretch. The iconic waking up scene, where she wakes up to a glorious morning...